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 I am a female on a life licence with probation. I have been involved with probation on and off since I was 12 years old. I have struggled with addiction for what seems like my whole life until recently after being released from prison for the 3rd time. This time I went straight into a residential rehabilitation unit.

I’ve been trying to get to rehab for years and it was a lot harder than it should’ve been. I managed to do all the work and I am seeing all the benefits now. I have a really good relationship with my offender manager and she told me about Red Rose Recovery when I was half way through my treatment. I looked on the website and I was really excited about all the things that were on offer to me. It opened up a whole new world that I hadn’t even realised was there!

It really gave me the boost I needed and got me excited about my future for the first time in a long time. She linked me in with new groups of people who are in recovery just like me. I have plenty of people to talk to, it has been so helpful to have the support!

I’ve been put forward for the leadership course which starts in 7 weeks. I do daily zoom meetings online. I get to chat with people daily and with the current lockdown situation I don’t know how I would’ve managed had it not been for Red Rose Recovery! I have a feeling I will be able to be the best version of myself because of the support they show me.