
We help our volunteers to set up and manage their own projects across Lancashire, which are open to members of the recovery and the wider community.
Some of our clients have gone on to set up their own social enterprises around construction, painting & decorating media, food retail and furniture restoration. Many of these projects provide a platform for volunteering and employment opportunities.
Our volunteers have provided stewarding and car park marshalling for the Blackpool Dog Show and Royal Lancashire Show.
Join one of our peer led Connect Groups, a friendly, welcoming environment managed by people who’ve been where you are and understand the challenges. From here you can receive help in creating your own recovery plan, engage with dedicated support from our coaches and take part in activities that will help you to a better quality of life.
RRR also facilitates peer led groups for the following; families of individuals in recovery, access to mutual aid, over 50’s and dedicated gender specific groups.
Eager to know more? You can contact us using the form on our “contact us” page or by giving us a call on 01772 821440.