Christmas in Preston! #realrecovery
The Real, The Raw, The Truth Podcast - Lily
Merry Christmas from Central
The Real, The Raw, The Truth Podcast - Sharon
The Real, The Raw, The Truth Podcast - Stuart
The Real, The Raw, The Truth Podcast - Mick
Update for the prison from Peter, Kieron and Chris
Kieron's Story
Roots Community Forum 2 Year Anniversary
Believing in People
Red Rose Recovery - What's going on?
The Real, The Raw, The Truth Podcast
The Real, The Raw, The Truth Podcast - Emma
The Real, The Raw, The Truth Podcast - Sarah
The Real, The Raw, The Truth Podcast - Nick
BBC at the Barge
When the BBC visited the Red Rose Recovery barge. Tony husband and his son, Paul Husband, tell us about their journey.
Peter Yarwood with the Social Health & Care Committee
Peter Yarwood describing the benefits of co-production and of empowering people who have “become accustomed to being at the margins of society – we said no, that’s not OK”
The Benefits of Volunteering
Below is a video highlighting the benefits of volunteering at Red Rose Recovery.