Annual Review
The year 2020 has been challenging for everyone. As an organisation, we have successfully innovated and adapted to find new ways of working to continue to help and support people throughout these challenging times.
It’s important to celebrate and recognise the ongoing achievements of all the staff here at the organisation. Each and every day they are going above and beyond to ensure that the vulnerable people in our communities continue to get the support they need.
This year we’ve…
times with individuals in our communities
Project and group sessions
attendances at our groups & Projects
Soft Outcomes for the Indivuduals working with us
times with telephone calls & texts to service users
times to other services & organisations
don’t just take our word for our impact…
Have a listen to some of the Service Users that we’ve supported and listen to how they’ve benefitted

The Lancashire User Forum went Digital
As part of finding news ways to work during this difficult year, the monthly LUF events were one of the first concepts in our sector to be adapted into an online format known as the “LUF Lounge Live”, in an effort to continue to provide support to people in the community. We spread the content accross multiple digital platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and our Website to reach as many people as possible.

The luf lounge in numbers…
Views & Engagements
4226 hours or
176 days
of LUF Lounge content watched this year…

Meet Daniel

Building Recovery in Communities
The Building Recovery in Communities (BRiC) Fund managed by Red Rose Recovery, is a community asset fund providing grants across the 12 district authorities of Lancashire to social enterprises, organisations and community projects supporting individuals and their families in recovery from substance misuse.
Awards of up to £4999 are available alongside Stepping Stone grants of £1000 to help a wide range of projects which have been inspired by the recovery community.
In 2020/21, there were…
Applications received for BRIC & Stepping stones funding
Successful Applicants who passed the interview stages to receive their funding
£'s Given in funding to help start & support community projects & organisations
We used our Bric funding to run “Skem, I Love You” Lockdown Soap Opera, a community wellbeing collaborative video project. The projects ambition was to provide a positive experience for households on lockdown; a community experience involving linking with other families and building new support networks. We also wanted it to be an opportunity for people to learn new skills and increase their self-confidence. All participants felt an improved sense of wellbeing, an improved sense of pride about their town and now have a more positive approach to their mental health. As a wellbeing project, our soap opera was a resounding success. There have been some notable individual participant successes to celebrate as well, such as Mary-Anne who has been inspired to set up her own YouTube channel sharing her food preparation videos.
Maybe the project’s greatest achievement is giving our 14 year old writer Ryan the opportunity to write for professional actors who performed and filmed his monologues. We’re honoured to have been part of his and everyone else’s lockdown journey. The project has turned out to be a comprehensive account of Skelmersdale’s lockdown experience, a shared experience we can all relate to.
Hope & Beyond
Our Lancashire Hope & Beyond virtual peer led support programme, in partnership with MIND & Healthier Lancashire and South Cumbria, was designed and developed during the Covid-19 pandemic.
It focuses on improving mental health and wellbeing, promoting community based virtual connections.
Not only do participants have the option to join in on digital support and groups but are also to access 1:1 telephone support as part of the programme.
Hope & Beyond Participants
sessions delivered
hours of delivery
attendances at Groups
I attended the hope and beyond course because I was struggling with my mental wellbeing and it was suggested to me that it may help. To be honest, I wasn’t holding much hope.
We as a group very slowly over a few weeks worked on thoughts emotions and behaviours and I am going to be honest again that suffering with mental health problems started to take me back to CBT cognitive behavioural therapy. I thought, here we go again this rubbish as I have had many sessions with professional people using CBT and I honestly didn’t get it and thought it was useless in my situation.
I completed the course with a better understanding of my disorder than ever before. I understand my thoughts how to manage feelings and I have defiantly worked on my behaviours.
The team taking this program were patient and understanding and kept the whole group involved and this gave me the time I needed that I had never had before to learn and understand CBT and how that everyone in the group had different thoughts feeling and behaviours. This was a big turning point as I now know that I can change everything and that my feelings around things are not set in stone. I created them so I can change them.
I am extremely grateful to have been able to do this hope and beyond and hopefully my feedback will make any professionals realize that now for me this all makes sense and is very easy to grasp. It wasn’t always like that, a brain in low mood struggles with taking in information and mine was no different but this was done in a way that I could relax and take time to take in what was being explained to me.
I would say I wish I had done this 20 years ago but that thought would create a feeling I don’t need. I am very grateful I had the chance to do this program.

Digital & Social Media
With the challenging times of 2020/21, the internet and social media became one of the main ways of communicating with service users.
by the end of 2020/21, we had…
increased to
Followers across our social media platforms
Reached over
people with our content on social media
times with our content on facebook
Visitors on our website
a total of
Hits on our website
Service user and professionals onto our Smartphone App
Meet hugo
Leadership program
Developing people to become leaders in their community to give back, address stigma and connect people in recovery through projects developed within an asset based approach.
The Leadership Programme is aimed at members of Red Rose Recovery; experts through experience of a range of issues including the criminal justice system, substance misuse and mental health issues.
Access to the programme is subject to identification of a potential participant’s personal assets, commitment to change and personal development.
Red Rose Recovery Leaders who have embraced behaviour change generally thrive when exposed to positive influences in the community and following development plans created with them around their needs, abilities and aspirations. Many progress through learning, volunteering and community activation into employment with ourselves and onward.
The course provides a programme of learning to build on the assets of potential leaders with experience of the criminal justice system.
All of the participants have a personal mentor from the Civil Service and many remain in contact with their mentors after completing the course.
In 2020/21, we had 28 individuals attending various levels of the LEadership Programme, of which…
Completed the Foundation LEvel 1 programme
Completed the intermediate LEvel 2 programme
completed the advanced level 3 programme
That’s 62 certificates given out to new leaders who will go on to build and showcase visible recovery out in our communities
I have found being part of the leadership program an invaluable experience. It is truly heart-warming to see that such a place exists, and it has been wonderful to have a glimpse of the Red Rose Project and how it operates. Being a coach has been very rewarding for me and it has been really inspiring to watch the participants grow in confidence and knowledge. I feel that some of the topics and conversations we have had, have not only helped the participants, but have also helped me to look at myself as an individual, highlighting what skills I have and of course my weaknesses. I am now exploring the possibilities of moving to a career which would enable me to support and work with vulnerable people.
In relation to my participant, he has really demonstrated great commitment to the program and has always made himself available for our catch-up chats. The difference in him from start to finish of the course has been fantastic. He has grown in confidence and has much more belief in himself. I truly wish great things to come for him. It has been an absolute pleasure working alongside him.
This course has been a journey for me as I was a manager in one of my previous roles and due to alcohol abuse and a diagnosis with mental health, anxiety and depression I gave up on myself and could no longer cope. I also had lost confidence in every aspect of my working life and honestly thought I was useless to the world.
The course was delivered at just the pace I needed it to be in order to grow my confidence and self-esteem and to be honest, I was scared of failure at first but then the work coach came into it and this assured me I was not alone and would be given all the help information and guidance I needed and this was greatly important to my progress.
I gained so much knowledge in this course about myself and others around me in a working environment and how in order to succeed in life you have to integrate your skill set with others.
I gained confidence in myself over the course of the program that now I believe I can do anything I put my mind to and there are resources and people out there in order to help me along the way.
Now I am certain that whatever job role I decide to take one in the future I can do better than before as this program showed and gave me confidence in the skills that I already had but never had the mindset to realize them, and then showed me a way in improving my skillset.
I learned small very important things that gave me confidence in life such as one day I could get a mortgage what to me sounded ludicrous as I had to be hospitalized but has given me confidence in the financial sector, in that I can ask for help in the work place at any time, I can write a CV to apply for jobs as at the age 43, I still to this day have never had to write one and wouldn’t of knows where to start.
Let me tell you what this has done for me I was a man who had given up on ever achieving anything in life. I knew what I wanted to do but had given up trying as I thought it was never achievable. Now I am confident, full of purpose and ready to face the world again, as now I know I need the world and it needs me.
I thank you from the bottom of my heart you have truly changed my life.
Puzzled Productions
“Puzzled Productions is a great way of having fun and getting the support you need all at the same time. We are a group of people who are all in recovery doing a little bit of acting and having fun but most importantly being around like-minded people and connecting with others it’s all on a digital platform at the moment due to the pandemic but its open access any one can join.
We are trying to highlight that addiction affects more than just the addict and we are acting out the ripple effect and how far it travels, people are getting a better understanding of the ripple effect and how many people addiction hits on a daily basis.
We hope to provide to the community the reality of addiction and what people are going through on a daily basis it’s tough to survive addiction but with the help of our fellow peers and Red Rose Recovery, it’s definitely achievable.”
Group attendances
sessions delivered
hours of attendance

Throughout the pandemic, our team in the New You Service has continued to support service users and families.
We have delivered 3 online family groups per week along with numerous service user groups, which we use to capture their views on services and also to support them in their addiction and recovery.
We have also done various outreach projects from delivering lock boxes for medication to longer pieces of work supporting individuals
Liaison & Diversion
Liaison & Diversion is funded by the NHS who have contracted us to employ Peer Support Workers to provide lived experience in Preston custody suite. This is to be able to relate to people coming through the criminal justice system with identified vulnerabilities. The Peer Support Workers build relationships with the individuals and empower, support, and signpost them into services that have been identified in the community.
The pilot has been extremely successful and recently, the project has been rolled out into 9 custody suites across Lancashire & Cumbria, to provided lived experience throughout these areas.

we’ve built, forged & strengthened both new & existing partnerships…
Now more than ever, we recognise the importance of partnership working as we’ve developed and innovated new strategies to find new ways of working and delivering support to the most vulnerable in our communities.

Just a few Success Stories & Testimonials…
These family groups are a blessing and Red Rose Recovery are amazing and our the best advocate’s for these groups. Red Rose should be doing these groups world wide.
The support I get from the family groups is outstanding and gives me hope. They also gives me a safe place to speak and not be judged by the circumstances that I find my self in.
Thank you so much I didn’t think something like this would have made such a difference.
All the women are amazing and inspirational, it gives me hope that I didn’t have before, so thank you.
Dear Staff Member, I just wanted to say thank you again for today. I really found your story so inspring and was so touched that I could be part of this afternoons session too. It was lovely to meet you and I hope that we will be able to meet in person in the future. I truly admire you and everything that you do at Red Rose Recovery. The work you do is truly life changing. The world needs more people like you.
When I first joined Red Rose, I was apprehensive. I wondered how it would work and how other people could help me an make me feel welcome. I joined my first zoom meeting without my camera on and just sat and listened. I think I did that for my first 2 meetings. However, by my 3rd meeting I was ready to show my face on camera and chat to my peers. I suddenly felt a rush of support like I had never felt before and felt comfortable sharing my story that I had hidden so well for the past year.
You see, I’m addicted to drugs. Not one person judged me or made me feel like I was a failure although I was beginning to hate myself and the addiction that had gripped me so tightly. After a couple of weeks, I not only joined the women’s group but I also began doing other Red Rose Zoom meetings where I would see familiar faces and people who thrive off each other’s support. Don’t get me wrong, there are times when I’ve been on groups and felt no self-worth beforehand but yet again the group instantly picks you up! I always come off group feeling powerful.
So, I made a choice… this addiction needed to be taken control of and with the help of the Red Rose staff I made a self-referral to and adult social worker for rehab. I am beginning my journey in there next week. The process from me doing the self-referral to actually being admitted into rehab is less than 3 weeks. I will spend 3-5 months in there. My son’s birthday I will miss and Christmas with my beautiful children. But… what’s one birthday and one Christmas for their mum to get clean and be happy and healthy again? I’m sure I will make up for it when I’m well again.
If you’re struggling out there, please reach out to Red Rose. I feel like I’m a part of the family and you will too. Xx
The story of my daughters battle with addiction and its effect on the family started many years ago but it is only in the past 18 to 20 months that I have really started to understand the reasons for her dependence on alcohol. As a family we had gone through every conceivable emotion imaginable. After a particularly bad weekend which culminated in 2 hospital visits, her partner decided he had almost reached the end of the road and was going away for the night with their children. That left me with a problem. I was about to take my daughter home from hospital after the second visit but I couldn’t leave her alone in her house. I sat in the car and thought “This situation is getting nowhere. Too many people are giving advice but doing nothing and she is literally crying for help”. I decide I would take control and take her back to our house. It sounds strange but it was as though a light had been turned on and I could suddenly see the way ahead. I phoned my wife to tell her the situation and she immediately accepted my decision.
My daughter stayed with us for the next few months, and although she was still drinking we controlled it on a daily basis. She regularly attended Inspire meetings and saw social workers and medical people before being accepted into residential detox followed by rehab. There was a feeling of relief in the family at this stage knowing she was being helped. We visited her at weekends and she seemed to be doing really well. She then moved into a recovery home just before Covid 19 struck and lockdown came into force. The pressure seemed to build up and she began to drift back to her old ways.
It all came to a head when she took an overdose of anti-depressants and drink and she jumped off a railway bridge. That day was surreal. As though it was a bad dream. We knew there had been an incident and actually drove past the ambulance and police, who were by the railway line, not knowing what had happened. Our other daughter and family had watched the air ambulance land nearby and it was an hour later when we received the call telling us the news that the person on the train track was my daughter.
I can’t put into words the emotional effect that this had on us all and it was only a positive attitude that kept us going. Hopefully, things will now look up as she is now out of hospital and recovering very slowly from her injuries. There is still a long way to go but hopefully she will pull through it for everyone’s sake.
The help, advice and support we get from Red Rose Recovery gives an unbelievable boost to us all. One of the many things RRR has taught me is that there is no such thing as a lost cause as long as you stay positive. I do know my daughter loves going to RR meetings (online at the moment) and the highlights of my week are ‘The Families Matter Meetings’ which give me a chance to get things off my chest and take on board other people’s views. I will be forever grateful to Lorna, Lynne, Barbara and Emma and Red Rose Recovery for the guidance, understanding and help they have shown not only to my daughter but to me and the family.
Thank you to the team.
more 2020/21 Highlights
We’ve formed major new partnerships with various organisations, including MIND and the Lancashire & South Cumbria NHS Foundation Trust.
We’ve supported the design and delivery of a free leadership programme with Clore Social Leadership, LEX and the Centre For Knowledge Equity, aimed at developing leaders with lived experience of the Criminal Justice System.
We’ve put our staff through training courses such as Orange Button and Suicide First Aid.
We’ve piloted a wide range of new groups and covid safe groups in the community.
We’ve increased our year-on-year engagement rates, despite the significant challenges of 2020/21.