On Wednesday the 25th October, Roots Community held there monthly forum at Blackburn Library. This gathering is a regular occurrence on the last Wednesday of every month, where Roots mission is to foster awareness and expand their ever-growing network of services and activities geared towards supporting individuals in their journey to recovery.

At this event, one of the attendees was given the unique opportunity to share his own lived experience, recounting the turbulent path that led him into the clutches of drugs and criminal activity, ultimately culminating in a prison sentence. Today, his life has taken a remarkable turn, as he now leads a fulfilling life with a loving family and promising prospects for the future. Furthermore, he’s embarked on a career path that holds the promise of aiding others in their recovery journey. The anxiety that gripped him before taking the stage was undeniable, but his courageous sharing left a lasting impact.

The forum also featured several applications for Community Asset Funding from CVS, including one from the Willows Lodge at Dickens Street Charity. This organisation has been making significant contributions to the community and the recovery movement, earning well-deserved recognition and support.
Roots Community Monthly Forum is a dynamic platform that offers a wide array of activities. From informative expert panels and service providers to a range of resources within the recovery domain, it includes engaging elements like stand-up bingo and tombola. The result is a day that is both educational and entertaining, ensuring that participants remain motivated and informed.

The event featured extensive discussions that generated a wealth of valuable information. Besides the intellectual exchange, attendees were also treated to an amazing buffet-style dinner, further enriching the experience. Anticipation is high as participants eagerly await the next instalment of this forum, grateful for the Roots Community’s dedication and hard work. We will see you next month on Wednesday the 29th November