Over the past several months, Red Rose Recovery has played a part in pulling together a free leadership programme, co-produced and co-designed with other senior lived experience leaders from around the country. The programme is aimed at further developing leaders with lived experience of the Criminal Justice System, to recognise their potential and strengthen their collective voice.
“The programme has been co-designed and co-delivered with, the Centre for Knowledge Equity, home of the national Lived Experience Leaders Movement LEx Movement – in partnership with the Clore Social Leadership Programme and an inspiring group of leaders with lived experience of the criminal justice system: Paula Harriott (Prison Reform Trust); Peter Atherton (Community Led Initiatives); Darren Murinas (Expert Citizens); Michaela Booth (Practice Plus Group); Peter Yarwood and Emma Daggers (Red Rose Recovery); Darren Davey (Second City Housing/Inner City Life) and Dr Craig Fletcher.”

The Lived Experience Leaders Movement at the Centre for Knowledge Equity and Clore Social Leadership have now opened applications for a free, bespoke online programme designed to support lived experience leaders from the Criminal Justice Sector, to develop their leadership skills, elevate their potential and strengthen collective action. With equity at the heart of this programme, people of colour, women, and those working outside of London will be prioritised.
Taking place exclusively online between January -May 2021, the programme will include an array of leadership development tools and opportunities, including an introduction into key social leadership skills and behaviours, professional coaching, and action learning sets designed to fuel innovations for solutions to real-life challenges and systemic inequalities.
Participants will emerge feeling more confident, connected and supported by a group of like-minded peers, and equipped with collaborative, generous, and courageous leadership capabilities -all key skills for leading social change in complex and uncertain times.
Applications are open until Monday 9 November at 11:59pm. For more information, please visit this page or sign up to the Info Webinar, where we’ll discuss lived experience leadership across the sector and talk through the programme elements and scope (with room for questions from leaders who wish to apply).
You can apply now by visiting the programme website here: https://www.cloresocialleadership.org.uk/programmes/double-lockdown-rebooting-leadership-criminal-justice