Sonic Fusion (Roots Community) – Darwen
Roots Community is a forum that advocates for recovery in the Blackburn-with-Darwen area, bringing together individuals affected by addiction and partner organisations to empower individuals, create training and employment opportunities, and develop practical solutions to systemic challenges. Roots Community is a sister organisation to the Lancashire User Forum, a pioneering collective which has grown since its inception in 2006 to become one of the largest forums of its kind in the UK.
For enquiries, please contact Rolonde Bradshaw, Craig Worswick, Schani Tierney or Dwaine Chadwick in Blackburn with Darwen for Red Rose Recovery: Rolonde: 07572 610 530 | Rolonde.Bradshaw@RedRoseRecovery.org.uk / Craig: 07483356867 | Craig.worswick@redroserecovery.org.uk / Dwaine: 07534337993 | dwaine.chadwick@redroserecovery.org.uk / Schani: 07483 356858 | schani.tierney@redroserecovery.org.uk