Lancaster Pride
“On Saturday 22 Jun; the LGBT community came together for the Lancaster Pride. The event was amazing and Red Rose Recovery were fortunate enough to be able to attend such a colourful and remarkable day. There was a parade around Lancaster town centre with thousands of...
To Strive to Seek to Find to not to Yield.
“The picture above shows me about to head out for the second half of the Pennine Barrier Ultramarathon. The race was is and would be the culmination of my efforts this year to harness my will drive and perseverance to reach new heights and hopefully gather sufficient...
Another brilliant Wellbeing Event
Thanks to Salt Ayre Leisure Centre in Lancaster for letting us use their facilities to host another Well-being Event! “There was 2 activities that everyone took part in; indoor climbing and a 20m high gravity tower. Both activities were amazing and all 3...
Morecambe Pride
After the success as Lancaster Pride, we were at Morecambe Pride last weekend promoting recovery and helping to bring communities together. “It was colourful and full of energy. Such a great way to bring communities together. Thank you to all the Red Rose Recovery...