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Before being referred to Red Rose Recovery, I was at risk of being made homeless. My situation was that I am retired, I was suffering from long covid, heart problems and was sadly widowed during the pandemic. I do not have close family so was facing all this alone. As well, my landlord informed me he wanted to sell the home I was living in. I felt highly anxious and fearful of all kinds of scenarios regarding my health, safety and what would become of me, as well as the worry of practicalities like where I would keep my furniture and possessions.

In the beginning, I first met with Zoe and Kirsty from Red Rose Recovery. They reassured me they would be able to help me with Red Rose Recovery support services. I also went on to receive support from Orla, Vicky, and Emily, who then went on to help me in securing a social housing apartment, helped me organise a move and benefit forms. I have noticed an improvement with my mental health since coming into contact with Red Rose Recovery.

It really was the worst thing I had faced in my entire life. I have really appreciated the help they all gave me. I know in my own heart and mind thanks alone is never enough. I also know this much… if it hadn’t been for all of you ladies giving the help you all gave to me, I don’t know where I would have ended up or what would have happened to me.

You all deserve all the praise you can be given, and I really do mean that in all sincerity of my mind heart and soul. Your managers should be very proud of you all and if they need any further clarification, I would be happy to share this with them. I would absolutely recommend Red Rose Recovery to anyone who needs your help.