Lancashire User Forum

The Lancashire User Forum was originally set up in 2006 and is a county wide group for individuals, family, friends and carers who have been affected by addiction. In its infancy it was made up of a handful of service users supporting each other. Now the LUF is made up and led by service users supported by their friends, families and RRR locality workers. This gives the service users a voice in how recovery should be accessible and what is best practice. Through action and attraction it has now become the largest user forum in the UK that regularly attracts interest on an a national level from a diverse range of individuals and services who have visited one of our forums.
If you are interested in attending a LUF meeting the dates are below and listed in our What’s On calendar. If you would like more information please call us on 01772 821440.

the luf lounge live
“The Live LUF Lounge is a virtual space organised by the Lancashire User Forum leadership.
We occupy this space in order to stimulate discussion and focus on various current issues and topics that impact and affect the lives of a diverse group of people.
Live at 5, every Saturday evening, we interview a variety of guest speakers with a wide range of lived experience, technical expertise and creative talents.
Anybody interested in or affected by issues surrounding the substance misuse services, criminal justice system and mutual aid communities can engage in and influence the discussion.”
The LUF Lounge Live has now drawn its curtains but you can re-watch any and all of the episodes below or over on our YouTube Channel.
Thank you for all your support in making it such a success!