LUF Stock 2023
When? 9th August 12pm until 11th August 12pm
Where? Charity Farm Camp, Smithy Brow Toogood Lane, Lancashire, WN6 9PP
How? Book your space through www.eventbrite.co.uk Search ‘LUFStock 2023’ to register.
LUFStock camp is a service user led camp for those in recovery from addiction to alcohol and substance misuse, their families and others interested or affected by addiction, and is aimed at providing a inclusive space for everyone in the recovery community to connect.
The total cost per adult, for 2 nights with food, is: £35
This includes the cost of the camp at £12.50 per night, per adult (under 16’s free) and £10 for food, per adult (under 16’s eat for free) – Food consists of an evening meal on Wednesday, with breakfast, lunch & evening meal on Thursday and Friday morning breakfast.
We are asking for a £5 deposit (for all over 16’s). Tickets are to be booked on EventBrite and the outstanding balance will be collected on arrival to the campsite.
There’ll be various activities on over the weekend, including all kinds of entertainment, football and a good old sing song round the camp fire of an evening, with lots of fun, love & laughter all around.